Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why parents should take more responsibility for their children

Most parents are instinctively driven to take responsibility for their children right from the time of their birth. They want to provide the best possible care, especially during the early stages of development and do whatever it takes to give their children the best start in life. However, today in the 21st century with the gradual increase in life’s complexities, children need greater active involvement from their parents.

Parenting is an important choice you have made. It is therefore of paramount importance that parents commit themselves to take on more serious responsibility for their children. But alas, today's parents are busier than ever! Many despair at their inability to raise children to be good, productive and responsible adults. Who is to blame? Should parents be mere bystanders or should they gear up and be a strong line of defense for their children?

Here are some important reasons why parents should take more responsibility for their children:
* Children are our future generation
Every child born on the face of the earth deserves a warm, loving care and understanding from their parents. Children are the future generation of citizens.
Ultimately, they will be responsible for carving the destinies of our country and the world. It is absolutely the parent's responsibility to do their very best by their children and ensure that they maintain the right balance while providing their children important life skills.
Take time to remind yourself that you are primarily responsible for shaping your children’s future; you have the power to mold their character and raise them to become morally strong, caring, contributing and happy human beings. You owe this to yourself and your child; you need to make it your life purpose.
* The world is fast changing
Today, the world is changing at a galloping speed. With huge technological advances and increased competition in every sphere of life, children today, need to acquire better skills, gain new knowledge and learn to make good decisions-while having to encounter with a vast array of choices.
Parents would therefore need to be responsible in providing their children with not only basic needs like food, shelter, clothing and security, but more importantly, equip them with qualities to enable them to cope with the fast-changing world.  
* Parents can be the best teachers
Children are influenced more by their parents than anyone else. Parents can have the most direct and most powerful influence on their children. They are not only their children's first teachers, but it is they who can equip their children for living fuller, happier and more gratifying lives. The lessons parents teach their children, can last a lifetime.

As parents, it is indeed your responsibility to ingrain values and moral principles in your children to enable them to develop competence in every aspect of their lives. Nothing should be more important to parents than shouldering the responsibility of raising good kids.
* Parents need to build character
Most parents have a strong desire to build their children’s character and shape their personality. They want to be part of their children’s personal growth by developing characteristics like intellectual prowess, ability to make the right choices, responsible behavior, high self-esteem, compassion and generosity of spirit. Inculcating these values is most essential as being a parent is fast becoming more complicated in our less-than-friendly world.
 In today's troubling times, our children are increasingly being exposed to underage drinking, drug use, premature sex and crime at a young age. It is the parent's responsibility to teach their children to combat theses pernicious evils which their children may have to face from time to time.
* Parents need to give proper direction
Today there is a dire need for parents to give proper direction to their children; this greater parental involvement in their children's lives. It is important to clearly communicate values like honesty, compassion, caring and respect.
Periodic conversations with children about the significance of having good character, discussing specific values to live by and inculcating these through the parent's own good example would be a highly effective strategy for taking on added responsibility.
* Conclusion
Each parent interacts with their children in their own natural and unique ways. As parents it is certainly not only our responsibility but our joy and our privilege to take into considerations our responses to our children's unique identity from birth to adulthood.
Responsible parenting is a blessing and an honor-especially when it leads to success and happiness of our children.
Source: Parenting with Purpose by Robert Reasoner and Marilyn Lane
             Raising Happy, Confident Kids by Dr. Jenn Berman

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