Friday, May 14, 2010

Infant feeding guide

The infant has its peculiarities, because 0 to 3 year olds must be provided to the baby all the energy they need to develop. Find out how!
baby crawling Infant Feeding Guide
Children from 0 to 3 years have a special nutritional needs, and it is very important to provide enough energy to maintain their vital functions and boost growth. We must also educate them with healthy eating habits that they can keep throughout their lives. Find out all you need to take into account to properly feed your baby.


a Infant Feeding Guide
Good nutrition is the foundation needed for the baby to develop physically, psychologically and socially, and constitute the first line of defense against many childhood diseases that can make a mark for life.

Nutrition and Health

iwanteducation Infant Feeding Guide
Nutrition and health are directly connected, and the effects of malnutrition in early childhood can be terrible and long lasting. Often prevent the baby’s cognitive development, affecting educational achievement and reproductive health.

Early Childhood

infant nutriton 2 Infant Feeding Guide
In infancy, we must pay attention to important details. To feed a baby properly be fed with distributed meals throughout the day, while respecting their sense of appetite and a good idea to set a timetable indicating the incorporation of new foods to your diet.


babyfeeding Infant Feeding Guide
It is important to take very good hygiene in the whole process of food preparation. If your baby goes to kindergarten, controlling what they eat there, and follow the advice for breastfeeding in child care centers.

Breast milk

breast feed1 Infant Feeding Guide
The only food recommended for babies from 0 to 6 months is breast milk, to be offered when the child’s demands. If breastfeeding is not possible or if the mother prefers not to breastfeed, you can choose to feed it with an adapted milk or formula.


babyfdDM1706 468x541 Infant Feeding Guide
Ideally 6 to 10 months is to maintain lactation, and supplement with other foods like mashed variety of vegetables, fruits, rice and potatoes. Then we can introduce the wheat and meat (no more than 20 or 30 grams a day) and once the baby is 9 months, you can alternate with white fish meat (30 or 40 grams a day).

when the baby is 10 months you can give them some new food, and texture of purees may be less delicate. In this age they can take vermicelli soup, rice and small pieces or minced meat.

When the child reaches 12 months it is advisable to continue breastfeeding (you can stay up to two years or more), but the main meal times should be adjusted to the rest of the family. At this age children can now eat most foods.

when children reach 18 months you can introduce oily fish to their diet, such as sardines, tuna or mackerel, provided that they have no skin and bones. They can also take flatulent vegetables that are not recommended for younger children, such as cabbage, artichokes or asparagus.

Fruits and vegetables
Introduce fruit juices, vegetable simple or cream to infant feeding  to provide fewer calories than you fed exclusively on breast milk or formula milk. But introducing solids without decreasing the amount of milk can lead to overweight in infants, so it is better to decrease the amount of milk as it eats other food.

For breastfed infants, pick fruit from the fifth or sixth month because they are rich in water, carbohydrates, vitamins and salts, but better if they are juicy as oranges, lemons, apples, grapes, pears or plums. You can give cooked or as
jam or porridge.

remember it is better to introduce solid foods one by one on infant feeding. So if the child reacts adversely. It can quickly be detected no matter what food he/she likes.

Cereals (wheat, rice, oats, rye, corn) are a good source of energy, vitamins and minerals, so it is advisable to give them the baby from 4 to 6 months. Besides aid digestion and can be used as a basis for the gruel before age 7 months, provided they do not contain gluten.

Daily rations /servings
from the year the child should be taught to eat everything slowly, always in moderation. We recommend that you take two servings of fish, chicken, eggs and vegetables, three servings of milk, yogurt, cheese and olive oil, four servings of fruit and vegetables and five servings of bread, pasta, potatoes and cereals.

Sweets and jars /baby food

at this age, sweets should be taken sparingly, only occasionally. Sugar, chocolate, ice cream and candy should be taken only occasionally. It is always best to take food prepared at home and not industrially processed foods. You can use a potito occasionally but not regularly.

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